In recent years, what is known as green coffee has become very fashionable , especially when it began to appear as a nutritional supplement designed for weight loss and weight loss diets. But although it is popular now, in reality we are dealing with a very old food, since dry and husked beans are what produce green coffee .

In fact, we find in Ethiopia a beautiful legend about the origin of green coffee, which says that an Ethiopian shepherd observed the toning effect on goats when they consumed red fruits, which he himself verified when he tried it.

Coffee is the most consumed drink in the world, by far, mainly due to its aroma and flavor, and its ability to keep us awake throughout the night.

But our relationship with coffee is love-hate, with an endless battle between its benefits and the side effects of drinking an excessive amount of caffeine. What if there was a better version?

How to make green coffee

Green coffee beans are recognized worldwide for their great health benefits. These grains are the seeds of the Coffea Arabica fruit that are consumed daily as a drink, but with a big difference: they are not roasted, so they have many more active components.

Green coffee beans are rich in chlorogenic acid, which is primarily responsible for weight loss and many other health benefits. But during the roasting process of the beans, this natural antioxidant is lost.

Therefore, from a health point of view, it is much better to consume green coffee beans. Green coffee does not taste like conventional coffee made from roasted coffee beans. The drink has a milder flavor, with a neutral, slightly herbaceous flavor. It is not bitter like green tea.

But how to prepare coffee with green beans? We are going to give you two methods to prepare your perfect cup to obtain all the properties and benefits of green coffee .

Ingredients (for 2 people)

  • 20 gr of green coffee beans 
  • 300 ml of hot water
  • Honey or sugar, optional

Green coffee powder method

Grind the green coffee beans with a grinder or kitchen robot to obtain a fine or coarse powder depending on how you want it for texture.

Green coffee beans are unroasted beans, so they are more difficult to grind than roasted ones, and in order to grind them well you will need a powerful appliance.

Divide this powder into two cups and pour hot water. The water should be hot but not boiling (around 90 ° C). Let the mixture sit for 10 minutes and then strain it through a fine strainer to remove all the dust.

You can add sugar or honey to green coffee, but if you're looking to get all of its health benefits, you'd better not add anything.

Whole green coffee beans method

Making green coffee from whole beans is a time-consuming method; therefore, it is more efficient to make a large batch.

Soak the beans in water overnight, using the same amount of water as beans (or more water if necessary).

After that time, boil the beans over high heat; and after boiling, simmer for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Let the mixture cool completely before straining it with a strainer to remove the grains from the mixture. This concentrated mixture can be consumed directly, or added filtered or distilled water to dilute it, if you want a milder flavor.

You can also add cardamom or other spices to add flavor to this healthy drink.

If you have leftover, you can keep the rest in the refrigerator to use it within 3 days.

Whichever method you use to make green coffee, have a cup before each meal to optimize the benefits.


  • Always use the best quality coffee beans for the best flavor. Ideally organic grains to eliminate the harmful effects of pesticides.
  • If you are allergic to coffee or have a tolerance problem, consult a doctor before consuming this drink.
  • In addition to using whole or powdered green coffee beans, you can also use green coffee extract to take advantage of all the benefits of green coffee beans, without having to prepare anything. Green coffee bean extract is concentrated coffee powder in which the water content is minimal, as it dries or evaporates. It can be consumed as a drink, in sachets or in capsule form.

When it is not advisable to drink green coffee

Before preparing it, we advise you to take a look at its contraindications, so that you discover whether or not you can actually consume it regularly. It is not recommended in case of:
  • Heart disease and heart problems.
  • Kidney problems
  • Small children.
  • Pregnant.
  • Monitoring of low carbohydrate diets.

Green coffee health benefits

Highly rich in antioxidants, green coffee prevents our skin cells from being damaged.
  • It also inhibits the excessive release of glucose into our blood stream. And due to the lack of glucose in our liver, our body begins to burn stored fat to reach the basic level of glucose. Therefore, it stimulates metabolism and helps burn more fat.
  • It works as a natural detoxification element, cleansing the liver of toxins and bad cholesterol.
  • Green coffee beans are rich in compounds like gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), epigallocatechin gallate, and theophylline, which help slow the signs of aging, such as wrinkles, and also keep the skin supple.